Monday 16 June 2014

                                      The Bradford Exchange Online

 Thanks for checking out The Bradford Exchange Online! With our consistent conversion rate, you're sure to do well. By joining our team, you get instant access to thousands of diverse products, including the works of many well-known artists and brands: Thomas Kinkade(R), The Bradford Exchange(R), The Ashton-Drake Galleries(R), and many others. Please note: We encourage affiliates to use PPC search to drive sales and are happy to share keyword information and bidding / merchandising strategies. We do ask that affiliates interested in PPC please review our Keyword Link for protected/do-not-bid words, including our collectible brands / display URLs. We also do not allow including us in any downloadable programs such as Browser add-ons or toolbars. Also, please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions, requests, etc. We love hearing from our affiliate family! Write to us at